hey people..good morning. :D i just woke up in about one hour ago, lol.. still sleepy but nevermind ah.. yea, actually i was in bed nicely sleeping tired of last night but then mom came with the vacuum machine to clean those carpets..haha DAMN LOUD.. speaking about last night, yeap, i had a wonderful night at the AFS farewell dinner which was held in Megaview Hotel here in Kuantan.
the environment was awesome.. :D new friends, alot of them :D haha..and performances from all diff Chapters of AFS in Malaysia were so cool :D i had lot of fun tho.. myself, sharen n mich were all together in a car to Megaview, we waited for Mich to fetch us at Sharen's house and then rushed to Megaview. :D
The event started at about 7 pm and last night we returned home at almost 1 am.. hahahaha.. :D i must say it was my bestest outing for a function, yea, atleast for Guillaume, im sure he was happy tht we came to that function.. :D he kept tellin ' oh im so happy u guys are here' in his French slang.. hahaha..
and also i met everyone, i mean the AFSerwhch normally i only saw them of facebook or ect.. LOL Nils, Annelise, Judith the baby milo, Tim, Maarten, Ludwig, Jenny, Gilles, Pascal..*trying to remember more* ... Jan, Inuk, oh yeaa.. MervieLOL, nice to meet u there, i know u will read this, haha :D and other afsertht i do not mentioned, u guys rocks!!! nice performances!!! :D
heres some pics, i dont have alot of pics since im using phone cam with just 2 mega pixels *damn* but still i caught some nice memories :D
the kuantan and ipoh chapter i gues.. see gium!! hahahahahaha
lol.. gium, jan, mich n sharen.. *yea jan, we are 19 y.o* haha dont b shocked :P
MERVIE!!! lol.. glad tht i see u there :D :D :D
this was after the function, we did some dance!! hahahaha
gium and his friends.. sry forgot names :D totally rocks, girls :D
holidays coming!!!!!!!!! happy holidays to all my friends.. :D and yea, since holidays are just a head in front, i have so many plans.. started from tomorrow, i have an AFS farewell dinner. A function to celebrate the last moments of the AFSer which going back to their homeland in July. Then i will not be in Kuantan from 5 of June because heading to my Kampung for some small family function. Oh yea, and because of this, im sorry to Kerina Tan coz i cant make it to ur bday party la.. so sad.. lol.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KERINA TAN (june 6) :D
i will be back to Kuantan, if im not mistaken on 8th of June... oh yea.. forgot to mention, on next week Tuesday (2nd of June), me and friends also will organise one event.!!! lol... il update about it later. After return to my kampung, il having one camp in Jengka. Me and 10 other schoolmates will reperesent my school for the 4 days event starting from 12 of June until 15 of June. Haaahhhh... 4 days without internet, away from home and with totally different environment..lol.. il stay in UiTM Jengka for that.
finally, on Wednesday (17th of June) il join school trip to Kuantan Court!!!!! woooottt wooottt... im looking foward for it... :D thts all in my post today.. lol.. so many activities, and hope all of u will enjoy urself too..
hello.. today i like to post some vids abt the recently Eurovision Song Contest, held in Moscow, Russia.. lol.. these were some of my fav vids of my fav contestants..
norway, turkey and greece, these are my fav vids frm ESC2009..lol btw.. norway won 1st place, 4th for turkey and 7th for greece.. :D
today i like to start blogging about my exams!! hahahaha.. nothing special. just today i finished my Maths T paper 2... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... no comment to that... i already did my best.. lol.. and for tomorrow, all the Science students will having 2 days of intervals.. no exams on Thursday and Friday.. Exam only starts again next week for Chemistry , Biology and P.A paper 1.... ermm so its like we having so much time to study... :D thank God.. hahha
by the way...last night i received some news about my friends who did their Matriculation programme, which are their Final Exam results came out last night... its so nice to know some of my best friends obtained such a good result such as 4 FLAT!!!! omg... i wish my STP can be that good... however it is, congratulations to them, they totally motivates me so much do be better in my studies... hehe... FYI, STPM is less in 6 months... haizzzzzzzzz.... :)
yesterday was Teachers Day... as all of us know, we celebrate Teachers Day every year on 16th of May... :) and to my beloved teachers...that taught me since my young age... i still remeber u guys :) lol
ther are some teachers i remember so much :) and ofc to my teachers in SABS.. i spend more than 5 years there and the teachers are suberb.. :) to all my formal teachers and those who still teaching...
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY....................THANKS FOR EVERYTHING............. :)
hello everyone... lol yea. another blog entry here.. :) i dont have much to say, just wana share today i had some orientation session for my Lower 6 juniors.. actually they having it for the one whole week.. but i involved only for yesterday and today, it was nice, knowing new juniors n bully them lil bit here and there.. hahaa..
but, unfortunately i skiped some class by involving the orientation, not purposely skipped, but skipped-bcoz-of-it hahaha... GOD... i missed few important class, and i dont know how now... and FYI, next week SABSianSixers will be having their midterm exam.. good luck again for all my Sixer friends..
pray for they best la.. GUD LUCK AGAIN TO EVERYONE~~
hey heyy.... whts up everyone.. lol.. it has been awhile.. yea.. nothing much i like to talk about... but some new updates about what i will do and what i did this week.. as everyone know.. lower 6 registration starts last monday until next monday... so yea.. life kinda busy altho im not officially involve with the registration but just playing lil part in the orientation week for the juniors... so this week will be a little messy for me... some classes *i hope not the important one* i will skip them.. not loitering around but with the MPPT thingy.. haha.. yea i cant wait to be with those juniors especially those who will be under my group on Thursday.. :)
another exciting stuff... OMG.. my old friends..mostly formal SABSian tht finished their Matriculation and on holidays are now here and they will visit me in school TOMORROW!... arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... miss them so fucking much!!! lol.. im looking forward for it... haha.. excited so much!!!! :) LOL...
and yea..but not all nice things will forever nice still... lol.. next week il have my MIDYEAR exam!!! ho0llyCrap... idk how to explain abt my preparations.. and today i received the exam shcedules... shiitt... why on Earth they put P.A paper one as the last one.. and its also hv few days free...compare to those killing subjects like Maths, Bio and Chemistry... they are like on straight 3 days!! ohh God.. lol.. aiyoo..
ermm however it is... Good luck for everyone... especially to the Arts students.. their exam starts on Thursday.. Good Luck again... :)
today is Friday, 1st of May.. and im enjoying every moments of time as we in a short-3-days holidays..ahaa.. actualy nothing much goin on... parents are not home as they go on a balik kampung trip and return only on Sunday..
as for me, i dont hv any specific plans.. just flow with the mood.. but for something sure.. i will have a discussion group with my classmates as we having our MUET exam for speaking on Tuesday.. and my group consist of Michelle as candidate A, me as candidate B, Phang S.Y as candidate C and Rinuga as candidate D will having both Task A and B for individual and group discussion for SPEAKING test.. which means DIE
haha i mean not that die but, this speaking exam is such a pain in the ass.. lmho.. so tmr morning all of us will hangout in Taman Gelora, having some fun and discussing about it ofc... and what else... yea.. next Saturday will be another surprise event...il update bout it later... TC.. :)