good day good day!!
haha...... terasa pulak nak try post bahasa malaysia.. so arini pun terjadilah saat bersejarah itu... cehh... =.= senang cakap, bahasa rojak la.. nak baku baku sangat nnti cam pelik pulak.. HEHE...
so hari ni,semua macam biasa jugak, tadi pagi, aku pergi berenang dekat komplek renang MPK dekat Indera Mahkota tu.... waplau pun bukan 1st time berenang-renang ni 1st time renang kat komplx tu.. yang aku tau, komplek tu baru je naik taraf..tapi entah..biasa je..hhe..agak lama jugak la aku berenang2 kat situ, lenguh abis otot2 ...hahaa.... tapi berbaloi la.. bayaran masuk tak mahal langsung... tapi!!! sabor jela dgn sinar ultraviolet nye...
tadi pun aku sampai sana dlm pukul 8.30 pagi, renang punya renang sampai la dalam pukul 10 pagi... lalu pergilah aku ke bilik salin pakaian....@.@ ... terkejut nya aku...belang2 kaki... abisssss!!! nak kata panas tak panas sgt...n normally, matahari pagi2 ni pun tak la memancar sangat...tapi tula... terkesan jugak, habis berbelang kaki... hahaha agaknya tanda2 nipis benor atmospera kita kot......
tiba plak mesti jadi environmentalist... concern sane sini pasal alam... haha.. tapi tula, kalau kita tak jaga..sapa lagi laaaa.... :) oh oh...dan juga, post BM pertama ni jgk , aku nk wish kan la...member member bakal doktor yg 2,3 hari ni nk exam dah.... FIRDAUS, FARAH,,,ermm sapa lg... dan kwn2 dia yg kenal tak kenal tu...sama2 la... semoga berjaya ....exam memanjang je...ssh btol.. hahha..
Friday, January 29, 2010

TWENTY years old ikram!! NOT TWENTEEN!! lolz
morning morning!!!!!!!!! :))
i woke up early today altho i had my sleep quite late last night... hehe... ya.. goin for a swim after this !!'s post is all abt my birthday which happened yesterday!! :) hahha....
actually theres nothing much to talk abt it.... but...still just talk la.. haha
i had quite a nice birthday altho it just a simple dinner with my family n witout party or whtsoever.. told me, u are old, no need those fancy birthday party with family, hehe..ya i know, during my childhood, every year they had a nice bday party for me until like im..5,6 y.o.. ahhh memories.. oh oh..and ofcourse, those bday wishes from my friends...they made up my day! :) turning 20 y.o gives me an awkward, weird, and wonderful feeling since its like im no more a teenager... more responsibilities and make me appreciates life more... :)
so, turn 20 y.o is not that bad at all :) hehehe
hv a nice friday peeps..:) GBU :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010

morning everyone.. :)
another lame post after some times.. laziness attacked.. :)
its already the 3rd week of January and still, everything are still like how it was.. im still jobless ( for God sake it is irritating),, last Tuesday, myself and some of my schmates went to our school, SABS to take our I.D number (i.d number for our uni. application) .. and being 'into' the sch after 1 month ++ of no-more SABS student were soo funny.. awkward and..haha just too funny..
as usual, we met some teachers ( others were kinda busy i guess).. and talked to them for sometimes.. haha.. not much interesting stuff happened.. but alot of new stuffs installed in tht sch!! can u imagine this.. the whole 7 years ofme being in SABS.. hotness and humidity were all over me in the canteen during recess.. but NOW!.. there are fans!! yea.. they installed fans LOL.. sound kinda..'' ermm '' i mean, why now.? lol.. but i guess SABS is changing into a better sch,.
i heard that, SABS's 2009 PMR results were among the best in kuantan.. :) *proud* haha ahh.. some other nice story, i met Miss Han Fong Leng.. my former Maths T2 teacher... wawwww... hahaha new hair style!! damn nice... :P normally she had a normal hair style, very teacher-ish n sooo HanFongLeng-ish... but when i met her last Tuesday... she changed her hair style and its look so good for her... :) very very nice!
hahaha... also i met Mr. Tan, En. Mat Noor and other teachers ofc.. :) ahhh.. talking abt meeting with teachers, we asked them abt STPM results.. when the results will come out n etc.... damn it... En. Mahadi told us it MIGHT come out on 25 of Febuary... FEBRUARY ??? i was like wtf?? hahaha... he told us that , the date is still unconfirmed. but thats wht the Kementerian told him whn he went for a meeting.. haizzzz....
and talking about 25 Feb, its like a month ++ more days... DAMN! rly tired to think abt it.. but what can i do... just trying to be optimistic and accept anything with an open heart... and also, mom starts to complained my hair.. "cut itt!!!..its too long" ... errk.. im in holiday maa... lol.. and oh ya.. my new project.. theres some of my neighbors , this year PMR students, looking for tuition and i think this time i can make some still planning ( and u know, early-plans-always-failed).. but, ya.. might start with it in February..
other thing, ohhhhh.. talking about February, lol.. something came out in my mind :P not much can be discuss here.. hahaha.. take care peeps... c ya nxt tme :)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
its the new year!!

hey peeps, salam.... it seems like we still in 2009 eventho its already the new year.!! yea, its a late post from me, and now it is already 2nd january 2010...
nothing much to say here, as usual, the ending of every year were celebrated nicely, not to be over-enjoyed, but also its the time for us to recall everything we did in the pass year, and aiming for the better the coming year... insyaallah...
ohh.. 2010 is also a special year for me, no more 'teens'!!!! hahaha yea ikram, u are getting older... lol.. in less than a few weeks, im 20 years old.. HAHAHAHA... funny but woww.. im no more teens... :)
its time to be more mature, and pursuit for a better life... :)
i hope i can spend more time with my family, and also with my best friends.... miss them so much.. and also some old friends... haha :) HAPPY NEW YEAR peeps! :)
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