yesterday night was a sad n dimmest day of my life.. loosing one of my best friend that helped me alot during my form 4 and form 5... muhammad rashid hidayat bin mohd latpi... has returned to Him in peace on 28th March 2009.. he passed away in an accident.. for me...altho its hard to post this blog, i make myself to do it since i know this wil be the only way to remember him..he was the bestest friend for a person can have... he helped me alot.. a very nice friend and always giving his full suport during all his friends downpour.. he teased me and firdaus alot since we in the same class for 2 years...i cant forget that so much :'( in remebering him.. let us recite AL FATIHAH and giving him some respect for being such a GOOD n WONDERFULL friend for all of us...
to rashid... rash.. aku sangat2 rindu pada kau, aku tau semua kawan2 pun akan selalu ingat kau.. walaupun ramai geng2 SABS tak dapat lawat kau smlm, aku tau dieorg rindu kau sangat2.. and aku tau ko paham dieog busy and berada allover places in malaysia n all over the globe.. kiteorg akan belajar dgn gigih n terima kasih krn ko kawan yg paling sejati.. cikgu cikgu pun akan selalu rindukan kau rash... semoga kau berada di sisi-Nya di tempat yang paling dicucuri rahmat...
selalu dalam ingatan - Muhammad Rahid Hidayat B. mohd Latpi.. (21st Febuary 1990- 28th March 2009)

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