Thursday, September 9, 2010

dont you feel it?

tomorrow it will be the last day of the holy month of ramadhan :D 
meaning that its just a day before Eid,,, right!!?? hehehe

yeaaa,, everyone is getitng excited with it, i can see within my family and relatives itself..
today one of my uncle already arrived from Kuantan., and one aunty later tonight.. so, more cousins will be here,,,, ahhh.. a totally bittersweet environment and situation for me, since im going to have my finals in about 10days timing.

ok, get tht out of the topic :D talking about the spirit of Eid, obviously, Malaysian tend to cherish Eid in a much more bigger medium and outrageous traditional way with a bit of modern blend, Eid is definitely much more alive compared with ramadhan.

but i dont think so it will be such a fantastic Eid for me, although it may be a wonderful one. exam is one of the reason, and also since my house is here in N.S so my family is the host (sort of) for the raya festival, besides my grandparents, ofc they will be the most excited persons waiting for their childrens n grandc. :D

however, i hope it will be a hell of a celebration for me. i m trying to manage my time properly insallah. early morning tomorrow, i hv to prepare alot of things already... hahaha..
hope that il enjoy it haaa.. :D

il keep updating about it peeps.. goody night. :D

*when you love something, you tend to make it yours,...does it make any sense???*

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