Friday, June 14, 2013

Over it, please.

In the process to get over the stupid shit, bad impression from others, and all of the negative thoughts and words with my life issues; which some people might think that they can get on with it without my knowledge. 

But truthfully, i know everything. Its not that i cant take it, but its too much. Too much. And in order to get over with it, yeah, just to feel better in my own way, to have the peace in my mind and heart, im trying to be happy, which actually make me feel even worst. To bad to imagine, to bad to assume. My life is not that good. At all.

I know i have to find those who i can rely on to tell my part of story, and i do have them. But after all, i know, that is not the only thing i need to do. Oh God. :(

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The downfall

The moment when the past memories flooding up your mind, those crazy and wonderful memories. The memories that unrepeatable; which i am pretty sure it will be the one and only moment. The sad moments i can say. The downfall.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Random Shit

At times, you pretend your life to be happy, just to keep away the sad stories...
...even just for awhile.

First Week

So, basically, im still in my first week of my first trimester of the third year. Had hard times these few days to adjust myself with early morning classes. Yah, i bet im not that a morning person when it comes to studying. hahaha.

So, first time with the third year subjects; it gave me different outcomes and expectation. Indeed, its tougher and yeah, i need to work hard. Two more sem, il be doing my legal attachment, and then il be in my final year and then work life is waiting. 

Definitely im not gonna get myself stuck with stupid shits. But i hv to realize it is not that easy to get over with shits.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Year!

Finally i have this chance to update my blog. Most important; i'm done with the 2nd year of the Law School. And officially in the third year! Alhamdulillah with everything dear God. :')

But, despite this wonderful event of my life as a student, il never forget how pathetic and stressful is my life within these few months. :(  it's my life im about to share, and it might not be that detail but it eases my thought and heart, at least. Life is not easy, i must say in the simplest word. Not that im struggling with my study or academic-wise, instead of that, all of the surround-circumstances really put too much burden on me. im not blaming anyone, who doesnt understand my way when it comes to how i overlooked certain people. Stories, rumours and all of this stupid, heart-breaking stuff starts to rose up like nobody's business. The hardest part when it is from my circle of friends. 

To be honest, i had a pretty bad comments and it becomes worst when i cant handle it properly. Im not trying to be stupid, but the pressure is too much. i have my own life and my life is when im happy with my surroundings. Even at certain point, i just have to say, i dont care about my life and i just cant go on with it. 


I hope everything will be fine and great as before. Praying hard for alot of people. As much as my life is important to survive, they are as much as important to me too. God bless me. :((