Saturday, April 2, 2016

Tapestry Of Hate

Set of stories established into a sheet,
Linked with grace of hands that seems to be dull and shaken,
She keeps on gracing until love hates,
Dealing on matters that are not taken.

Love to her is honest, pure and mind-soothing,
Although she knows her story is not that good-ending kind of thing,
She keeps her hope and keep going,
To find an end that basically teared her soul crying.

The truth she knows and shall be the only truth,
Not every love story comes with happy ending,
She might be dreaming and hoping,
To be that Princess waiting for Prince Charming.

At the end,
That set of stories tells it all,
It told the world how unfair the tapestry was made for,
Trembled hands put hatred and evil pure,
And not that beautiful, elegant tapestry that she was hoping for.

She cried.
Because she knew it all. Too well.

Gods Are Here

Gods are here with you,
For the sake of making you feel good, bad, sad, glad.

Gods are here with you,
Not guiding but messing,
Not helping but torturing,
Not smiling but smirking.

Gods are here with you,
They said they feel you,
But the truth is that they are testing you.

Upon yourself to justify your act.
The perfect question is--

Are you living within Their limits ?
The intertwine of limits and needs.

You justify.

Friday, January 15, 2016

2016 and Twenty-Six.


Wah pejam celik pejam celik, tergerak hati nak kelebek blog lama. Hmmm, last post was 2 years back in 2014. Pejam celik pejam celik jugak sekarang dah 2016. And im still here with nothing. Sounds demotivating kan ?

Basically yeah, i think im in my quarter century crisis. Macam2 menda nak kena fikir. Dengan keadaan rezeki habis belajar pun belum sampai; pressure datang bertubi2 dari pelbagai pihak. Im doing my best though. Apa2 pun, aku still optimistik dengan keadaan sekitar. I know i still hv myself and my friends yang boleh melayan. 

Im summary, my studies are doing well. Pahit sikit sebab last year 2015, my Law School batch dah selamat grad. Tinggal la kami kami beberapa ketul yang ada cabek sini sana. Its hard. Especially when youre not getting younger and tons of expectation from everyone. How to fill up expectation manusia yang tak faham our struggle atau pun tak faham yang actually kita dah cuba sebaik habis. You tell me please? And... the worst thing, i still have to extend another 2 trimester for the only one subject yang cekik darah dan perasaan aku for the time being. :(

Terpikir nak delete this blog, tapi pikir2 semula macam banyak kenangan yang ada so nak kena belek satu2 utk review tu ambil masa jugak kan. So, mungkin tak akan delete, tapi cuma akan ada random update bila aku rasa perlu dan rasa nak meluah rasa hati. Gituh! hahaha. 


BYE. :)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Yang Muda Nak Tua dan Vice Versa.


Tetiba harini rasa nak bukak blog yang boleh di katakan berabuk2 tahap harta karun sebab my last post was like 8 months ago. Haih, nak buat cemana, living a busy life kata nya. Cehceh.

Nevertheless, as life proceed kita pun kena lah go on with our life kan. Cuma hari hari yang mendatang ni, buat kan kita selalu berfikir, wlaupun pikir biasa2 je, macamana to go ahead with our life dgn pelbagai karenah hidup disekeliling. 

At one point, i macam hoping that im not 24 years old, tapi kembali ke zaman when i was in my primary school life-- which none of the current issues bother me at all. At that point of life-- circular 2000-2002, umur darjah 3-6 memang takda nak resah2 hal2 sekarang. 

Blh recall tak time2 tu, we even complained that we had too much sleep, even sleeping is damn boring, hoping to have sooooo much activity or things to do just sebab kita takda apa2 nak buat. Haha. Memikir of those good days, bring-forward 2014 was never in mind. Takda lah gigih pikir apa jadi to our life utk tahun 2014.

TETAPI, once beyond that good-old-days period, kita basically struggling to enjoy masa2 kosong, free time yang kononya bersepah2 dulu tu. Manakan tak, sekarang ni je,, kalau student tu memang tak sah kalau tidur 3-4 jam sehari. Yela, dah bahagi masa kelas, tutorial bagai, masa utk program uni lagi, masa utk kawan2 lagi.. mana tak tinggal 3-4 jam je nak membuta. Betul idok??

So basically kita nak sgt masa zaman2 dulu kembali. Utk student tu, belum lagi langkah kaki ke zaman pekerjaan. Haaaa. Sekarang ni galak la nak habis belajar, nak kerja, tak sabar nak bekerja--pegang duit sendiri (kononya). Yes, memang lah objektif jelas para pelajar untuk menikmati nikmat graduasi dan bekerjaya. Tapi jangan2 la galak2 nau klau macam tak sampai setahun kat uni pulak2 baru2 masuk je uni kot.

Come on, focus on your studies and then you shall enjoy. Haha. Living a good life, enjoy, put no limits on yourself, travel your heart out. Tu pun tak mampu nak capai, berangan lebih eh bebudak sekarang. Hahaha. :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

MMU Law School

Finally im done with second trimester of my third year of MMU Law school.

One thing that keep rolling in my mind, the happiness to see those seniors when they are done with their final papers before graduating. I am waiting for such moments. Hmmm. hehehe.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Hidup Sebenar.

Lena hidup ibarat tak mahu sedar,
Menanti di depan amaran besar,
hati hanya mahukan apa yang benar,
hidup menjadi diri,
Diri sebenar.

Minta Tuhan, tolong lah tolong lah,
Kalau ini takdir, tolong lah redha kan,
Tak tahan cemuh kecam,
Bukan lagi hinaan keluarga,
Yang masih terpendam tunggu masa datang.

Yang di luar mintalah faham,
Yang terjadi bukan lah pilihan,
Bukan ini mintaku dariNya,
Biarlah jadi hamba yang benar,
Jadi teladan dan kebanggaan.

Menongkah halangan, benci sekitar,
Nak hidup bebas tanpa jelingan cela,
Nak jaga perasaan, hati semua,
Birlah aku yang sengsara,
Senngsara yang dirasa ditelan diam diam.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dunia Berbeza

Atas nama manusia,
Lahir semua tidak pernah sempurna,
Kelibat diri menahan duka,
Dalam keadaan penuh terpaksa.

Hujan dan panas mungkin seketika,
Tapi diri ini yang terus berbeza,
Menahan rasa hina yang hadir di dalam diri,
Terus menerus tanpa hirau dunia.

Tetapi Dia terus ada,
Wujudkan rasa penting nya kita di dunia,
Semestinya bersebab adanya kita,
Walaupun di dalam dunia berbeza.